I need housing, so what do I have to do?
SHOW provides supports and programs to individuals who have challenges managing housing on their own. We house those who have a history of homelessness, which can include those with physical health, addictions and/or mental health issues, all to support an individual’s ability to achieve optimum health, well-being, inclusion and independence.
The waitlist for SHOW is managed through the Region of Waterloo’s Prioritized Access to Housing Support (PATHS) via Lutherwood Housing Services. Individuals looking for supportive housing in the Region are to be referred to the PATHS team at PATHS@lutherwood.ca.
If you want to live in subsidized housing in the Region of Waterloo, you can apply here: www.regionofwaterloo.ca/en/living-here/find-affordable-housing.aspx. The website has plenty of helpful information regarding housing and how to apply.
Please note that SHOW does not maintain a waiting list and cannot process housing applications. All candidates must apply via the links above.